【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 沈安良!




Shen Anliang, a poet with ink bamboo and bamboo dragon, was born in Luoyang, Henan Province in June 1957. He lives in Beijing and is the founder of Chinese bamboo pen calligraphy; In October 1992, Cheng Siyuan, vice chairman of the National People's Congress, inscribed "the best bamboo pen in the world" for him; He is the only calligraphy master in the contemporary Chinese calligraphy world who both wields the brush and dances the bamboo pen. He is a leader in the calligraphy world who integrates the bamboo pen and brush and integrates poetry, lyrics and music.




Shen Anliang creatively invented the bamboo pen and the art of bamboo pen calligraphy, creating a precedent in the history of Chinese calligraphy; While inheriting the tradition, his brush calligraphy skillfully absorbed the characteristics of bamboo brush calligraphy, resulting in a unique artistic style; His bamboo brush calligraphy naturally absorbed the essence of brush calligraphy, which made bamboo pen calligraphy a unique artistic style. Currently: Chairman of the national calligraphy and painting art committee, director of the calligrapher Association of the central state organs, image ambassador of international Chinese public welfare undertakings, national first-class calligrapher, national ceremony artist, Chinese state guest ceremony artist, member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, member of the Chinese poetry society, etc.








On June 10, 2021, the Chinese Art Museum collected his bamboo calligraphy work long live the people and his brush work flying China. On June 23, 2021, the National Museum of China collected his brush calligraphy work "harmony between government and people". On July 26, 2021, Tiananmen Gate Tower collected his calligraphy work "the sun rises on Tiananmen Gate". On August 26, 2021, the Great Hall of the people collected his bamboo calligraphy work "based on China, change the world". He creatively created China's first "Yiyang base of China Shen Anliang calligraphy College" and served as the president, turning the slogan activity of "entering the College of Chinese calligraphy" called by the state into practical action, which has had a great impact and wide praise throughout the country. He founded the "ink world" and "Shen Anliang culture calligraphy benefiting the people project series", which has gone directly to the most grass-roots level in the countryside for many years and created nearly 1000 calligraphy works for farmers' representatives on site, which has been widely praised and deeply influenced.




Concurrently: Senior Consultant of culture and art of China Development Research Institute, special honorary consultant of China century dacaifeng calligraphy and Painting Institute, Professor of China Calligraphy Art Research Institute, visiting professor of Three Gorges University, etc. Over the years, it has been known as; People's artists of the new era, people's artists with both virtue and art, a generation of great masters in Chinese calligraphy, contemporary masters of calligraphy, China's chief art masters, Chinese masters of art going global, Centennial masters, role models in Chinese art, inheritors of calligraphy culture, leaders in Chinese calligraphy and painting circles, and the most influential leaders in contemporary calligraphy and painting circles.






In 1978, he began to explore and invent the bamboo pen. In 1981, the bamboo pen was successfully invented. In 1993, the bamboo pen was patented by the state. In 1996, the bamboo pen and bamboo pen calligraphy were recorded in the Guinness world record. In August 1992, he went to Beijing for an interview at the invitation of the people's liberation army newspaper. From then on, he began his struggle to develop the art of bamboo pen and brush calligraphy. So far, he has become a professional calligrapher in the past 29 years. In November 1992, at the invitation of CCTV's 52nd "variety show", he performed bamboo calligraphy on site and became famous all over the world overnight. In April 1994, he grandly held the "Shen Anliang bamboo calligraphy exhibition" in the "China Art Museum", the highest art palace in China, which shocked the calligraphy world and affected the world.







In December 2013, he was awarded the title of "master of Chinese heritage art", a large-scale crystal making classic book with four volumes and eight people in total. Volume I: Wang Xizhi and Shen Anliang. Volume II: Huai Su, Shen Peng. Volume III: Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Zhongshi. Volume IV: Liu Gongquan, Li duo. In December 2017, August 2018, July 2019 and July 2021, he won the third, fourth, fifth and seventh global Chinese influential figure bamboo pen art Lifetime Achievement Award, bamboo pen calligraphy art special contribution award, bamboo brush calligraphy art outstanding contribution award and calligraphy art special contribution award of 100 people in the centennial of the founding of the party for four consecutive years. From March to may 2019, his bamboo brush calligraphy works were registered and protected by the Copyright Bureau of the people's Republic of China, which is the only one in the Chinese calligraphy world to win this honor. In December 2019, he was awarded the title of "China's chief art master" large-scale crystal production classic book, with four people in total; Shen Anliang, fan Zeng, fan Dean, Su Shishu. In December 2019, he was honored in the Yearbook of the people's Republic of China (volume 2019), which is the highest honor in the calligraphy industry.






In June 2020, he was honored in the volume of Shen Anliang, a collection of Chinese famous calligraphers in modern times, published by Tianjin People's Art Publishing House. This is the first calligraphy master in Chinese calligraphy circles to climb Mount Everest in calligraphy and painting circles in 181 years from 1840 to now. In January 2021, in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, he was awarded the title of the series of treasure books "red stars shine, Centennial masters", which was inscribed by him and published by eight masters of calligraphy and painting; The first batch of printing and publishing two people, Qi Baishi and Shen Anliang. On May 30, 2021, he successfully held a "Symposium on celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China - writing spring and Autumn - Shen Anliang's gratitude for serving the country" in the "China Shen Anliang bamboo dragon academy" in the famous Xiyuan Park in his hometown of Luoyang, which is the first calligraphy master in China's cultural and artistic circles to give thanks for serving the country. On August 26, 2021, China's first running , Zhonghua Lanting font library, was created by Shen Anliang. Therefore, he created three firsts: 1) the first to complete the library in the contemporary Chinese calligraphy world. 2) the first contemporary Chinese book in three days. 3) the first to complete the library in Chinese history.



2013年10月,《沈安良书法艺术馆》在河南省宜阳县城东新区开馆;2018年元月,沈安良《竹龙书 院》在河南省洛阳市著名的"西苑公园"成立;2020年8月,《沈安良书法陈列馆》在河南省宜阳县城举行捐赠仪式。


On August 29, 2021, he was honored as China's first large-scale crystal glass calligraphy and painting collection "model figures in Chinese art", with a total of six people: Shen Anliang, sun Xiaoyun, fan Dean, he Jiaying, Lu Yushun and Huo Chunyang. In October 2013, Shen Anliang calligraphy art museum opened in Chengdong new area, Yiyang County, Henan Province; In January 2018, Shen Anliang's bamboo dragon Academy was established in the famous "Xiyuan Park" in Luoyang City, Henan Province; In August 2020, the donation ceremony of Shen Anliang calligraphy exhibition hall was held in Yiyang County, Henan Province. His biography has been included in more than 100 classics such as the great master of Chinese calligraphy, the great master of contemporary calligraphy, the master of Chinese heritage art, the history of Chinese calligraphy in a century, the chief master of Chinese art, the Yearbook of the people's Republic of China, never forget the original heart, the artistic heart to the party, the red star shining, the great master of a century, and more than a dozen TV feature films have been shot; He has visited more than ten countries in Europe and Asia for calligraphy exchange and exhibition, and his works have been collected.



他为实现自己一生追求的一个大梦想,将在神州大地上建造一座书法大碑林,历经八年创作了竹笔毛笔书法精品 6500余幅,该碑林建成后将会成为一座宏大的旅游观光的文化工程。

In 2004, he published Shen Anliang's poetry couplets in China Federation of literary and Art Publishing House (poetry Journal); In 2007, he published Shen Anliang's bamboo pen calligraphy (DA 8 Kai Hardcover) in Shanghai People's Art Publishing House; In 2014, he published the heart of bamboo Dragon - collection of Shen Anliang's Poems (II) in Beijing book publishing house; In 2016, Shen Anliang's collection of bamboo brush calligraphy (16 open Hardcover) was published in the culture and Art Publishing House.

In order to realize a big dream he pursued in his life, he will build a large forest of calligraphy steles on the land of China. After eight years, he has created more than 6500 exquisite works of bamboo and brush calligraphy. After completion, the forest of Steles will become a grand cultural project for tourism.


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